Enabling Farmers for Agricultural Transformation
The Enabling Farmers for Agricultural Transformation (EFAT) Project, led by Winrock International and funded globally by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), strengthens agricultural extension and advisory services and systems (EAS) as a pathway to boosting agricultural productivity among smallholder farmers and helping them diversify their livelihoods and strengthen their resilience in the face of adverse climate conditions. EFAT addresses these objectives through three interrelated activities:
– Catalyze pilot EAS delivery models to learn how to organize and incentivize public, private, and civil society organizations to effectively work together to provide inclusive, demand-driven advisory and complementary services to smallholder farmers, particularly women and youth.
– Provide technical assistance to USAID missions and supported projects globally to strengthen EAS, with buy-ins available for deeper levels of engagement.
– Strengthen a global community of practice (CoP) on EAS to promote learning, knowledge exchange and scaling of proven EAS practices, methods, and approaches.
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